Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan

Public & community services

In the course of our lives, we all need access to vital public services such as health, education, libraries and social services, as well as the many services provided by local community organisations.  As a centre for the wider district, Saxmundham’s public services are today under pressure. Looking to the future, we needs to plan and work to ensure a proper level of good quality service provision.

For information or volunteering for our working group, contact: Steve Palmer via


Discussions with developer Pigeon over 800 home South Sax ‘Garden ‘Neighbourhood Masterplan’


Since December last year, members of the expanded Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) have held a series of sessions with senior representatives of Pigeon, the development company that is... more...

Your vote, your say – Referendum on Sax Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 29th June


The date has at last been set for the Local Referendum on the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan - it's Thursday 29th June.  We encourage all Saxmundham registered voters to exercise their... more...

Examiner gives green light to Sax Neighbourhood Plan, after some agreed changes


The Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is finally close to completion, after months of detailed exchanges between the Examiner, East Suffolk Council planning officers and the Sax NP Steering Group. The... more...

Neighbourhood Plan Examiner asks for more changes, following public hearing


After the public hearing into the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan (NP), held on 27th January, the appointed expert Examiner, John Slater, has issued a Post-Hearing Note setting out key changes he... more...

Public Hearing called by Examiner for Sax’s Neighbourhood Plan – Friday 27th January 2023


The Independent Examiner to the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan, Mr John Slater, has decided to call a public hearing on the draft Plan.He has issued a formal Saxmundham Notice of Public Hearing... more...