Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan

Young People

Public Hearing called by Examiner for Sax’s Neighbourhood Plan – Friday 27th January 2023


The Independent Examiner to the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan, Mr John Slater, has decided to call a public hearing on the draft Plan.He has issued a formal Saxmundham Notice of Public Hearing... more...

New (final) round of public consultation on Sax Neighbourhood Plan


The Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan has reached an important new stage.  We have submitted the 2nd draft to East Suffolk Council, who by law must conduct a further consultation on it,... more...

We’re seeking your views on the draft Neighbourhood Plan


The Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led document for guiding the future development of the parish.  It is the first of its kind for Saxmundham.  The Steering Group want to... more...

Neighbourhood Plan – are there major issues for your area that you want us to include?


The Steering Group have reached an important stage in drafting the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan (NP).  But before going much further with it, we need your help to check whether we... more...

The voice of Saxmundham’s residents – full results of the household survey


A year ago, in summer 2019, the residents of Saxmundham were invited to complete a household survey, asking their views about a range of issues to do with the future... more...