New (final) round of public consultation on Sax Neighbourhood Plan
Thursday, July 7th, 2022 2:02 pmThe Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan has reached an important new stage. We have submitted the 2nd draft to East Suffolk Council, who by law must conduct a further consultation on it, before they pass it on to an independent Examiner who will give his/her recommendations on any final changes. The consultation period starts on Friday 8th July, and finishes on 2nd September. The formal notice (one page) can be found here Saxmundham Reg 16 notice
Details of where to inspect it and how to respond are also given below (text from the notice):
“Saxmundham Town Council has submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to East Suffolk Council ahead of it being submitted for independent examination. East Suffolk Council is publicising the plan and inviting representations, which will be forwarded to the examiner for consideration alongside the plan. Subject to the plan successfully completing all the relevant regulatory stages, the policies and proposals contained in the plan will be used by East Suffolk Council in the determination of planning applications within the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Area.
Where can the Plan be inspected?
Copies of the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view at [As we write, not yet posted there, due to be added to this page in next few days]
Physical copies are also available to view (during normal opening hours) at:
- Saxmundham Library, Street Farm Road, Saxmundham IP17 1AL;
- East Suffolk Council Customer Service desk, Woodbridge Library New Street, Woodbridge IP12 1DT;
- Saxmundham Town Council Offices, Town House, Station Approach, Saxmundham, IP17 1BW.
Should you have any difficulties in accessing copies of the document you can contact us on 01394 444557 or email and we will aim to assist you.
How should I submit my representation?
Representations on the plan can be made online at Alternatively, email or post to East Suffolk Council, Planning Policy and Delivery Team (Neighbourhood Plans), Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0EQ.
All representations should be headed ‘Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan’ as the subject matter. Where representations relate to a particular paragraph or policy, please ensure that this is also clearly stated. Any representations made may include a request to be notified of East Suffolk Council’s decision whether to accept the Examiners’ recommendation and future progress with the plan.
When must I submit my representation by?
Representations must be received no later than 5pm 2nd September 2022.