Can Saxmundham draw on its past to inspire its future?
Friday, March 16th, 2018 3:40 pmLike a lot of small market towns, Saxmundham has a long and proud history as a local centre, with many fine old buildings. But absent a castle or ancient mansion house, towns like ours are never likely to become major tourist hubs.
But old town centres, and time-tempered buildings, can help to maintain a sense of identity that can link older citizens (defined by age and residence) with younger ones (also by age and residence!).
Saxmundham is fortunate in having a fine, if sometimes under-recognised, local Museum which tends to hibernate over winter, and is now due to re-appear, revived, into the warm Spring sunlight (we hope) on Tuesday, 3rd April, open 10.00 am to 1.00 pm daily excluding Sundays, until the end of September. We pay tribute to the dedicated team of volunteers who manage and curate the Museum’s collection – and host some fine events.
An early visit is strongly recommended!
As part of the team working on the future of the Market Hall, there are also broader ideas for a Heritage Programme for Saxmundham, which could be organised from a refurbished Market Hall, if plans for a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund are successful. The Market Hall – which dates back to 1846 – is managed by the Town Council which holds it on charitable trust for the community. The aim is to create a much more lively and attractive “community hub”, as part of an overall strategy to revitalise the town centre. We will come back to all this in more detail in the near future.
Our Neighbourhood Plan will, we are confident, draw on Saxmundham’s past as a real inspiration for the future – vastly different though it will be, helping to develop a stronger sense of community cohesion, and re-inventing its role as a local centre in the service of our town and wider area.
We want to hear your views on how we can celebrate our history and heritage in a positive way for the benefit of Saxmundham!
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