Final reminder – have your say on Housing & Future of Sax – tomorrow at 7 p.m. Market Hall
Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 8:44 pmFinal reminder for our meeting tomorrow evening at 7 p.m., Market Hall. The main theme is Housing, but we would ask people to think about housing in view of what kind of future for Saxmundham we think would work best.
We have put together three imagined “Futures” for the period up to 2036, with pros and cons, just to kick off a discussion. You may see things in quite a different way! Our Futures look at what might happen with different levels of development, and are set out in this document.
Combined doc Futures 12and 3 CB
We hope many of you will come and share your views. All the views expressed will help us to shape the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan, and make sure we are reflecting what the people of our town want for its future.