Household Questionnaire: thanks for your support, and last call for sending them back to us!
Thursday, July 4th, 2019 4:49 pmThanks so much to the over 520 households who have to date filled in and sent back the questionnaires we delivered by hand around a month ago. This represents roughly a 25% return rate, which we feel is quite a good result for a town of our size. It would be great, however, to lift this to 30% – so if you have yet to fill yours in, or have yet to send it in, please do so NOW!
And if you can’t find (or maybe – despite our best efforts – didn’t get) a form, please let us know and we will get you one – write to saxmundhamplan[at] or phone the Town Clerk on 01728 604595
Big Task!
Menawhile, recording and analysing all the responses is a big task in its own right – and this is underway. But it does mean there is still time to add a few more!
Once we have input all the replies to every question, we can get the basic data and will publicise it in stages once received. In addition, there are lots of your written comments, which we will also be analysing.
Fianlly, once we have completed the work and got all of the info together, we will publish it so that all residents can see the results. We will also draw some conclusions from the data and the comments, which we will also publish.
One short-term use of the information will be to provide evidence of residents’ views on the future of housing in and for Saxmundham, for the public examination of the District Council’s Local Plan (which proposes the new 800-dwelling “South Saxmundham Garden Neighbourhood”). The main hearing day for Saxmundham issues is Thursday 5th September, in the Deben Room, East Suffolk House, Melton – just across the road from Melton Station. Starting at 9.30 a.m.