Public meeting on the future of housing in Saxmundham – have your say!
Thursday, June 14th, 2018 4:48 pmOn Wednesday 27th June, 7 p.m., the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group are organising a public consultation meeting on the Future of Housing in Saxmundham. It’s at the Market Hall, High Street. All are welcome – it will be a great chance for us to discuss the issues, and for everyone present to give their ideas and views.
The key issues have been set out in a recent short article on this website by John Findlay, see here. We want to hear from all parts of our community on the key issues – what size of town do we look to build over the next 20 years; where should the new housing mainly go; what types of housing do we need? How can we make sure that new development brings with it necessary new services and infrastructure?
In addition, the Suffolk Coastal District Council are due in the next few weeks to unveil their own ideas, as part of their review of the Local Plan for the whole district. They will probably propose some fairly specific ‘targets’ for our town, and suggest where the new dwellings might be built. There will be a period of consultation before they reach any firmer conclusions.
So it is vital that we reach our own conclusions, in the best interests of our town.
This meeting is the first in a series of public meetings to talk through the issues and challenges facing our town over the next 10 – 20 years.
Here is the programme so far (all of these meetings will be at the Market Hall):
Wed 11 July, 7 p.m. A green and healthy Saxmundham? – the environmental dimension (with Greener Sax)
Sat 14 July, 10 a.m.–12.30 p.m. Drop-in info morning – ask your questions & have your say
Wed 19 Sept, 7 p.m. The town centre & our local economy (with Sax & Beyond business association)
We really hope that you can join us.