Our recent public meeting on housing – reporting your views
Monday, July 9th, 2018 6:01 pmOur warm thanks to the (around 70) residents who took part our public meeting held on 27th June to discuss Housing & the Future of Saxmundham. You can click here to find two notes of the meeting, a record of the key points made by those attending.
You will find below a link our notes of the meeting. The first is the record of the report-backs from each table following discussion, the second is a word-for-word typed up copy of what was written on the yellow sheets of paper from each table. We also summarise, below, some key “take-away” points of possible consensus from the meeting.
NP public meeting_ Housing 27.06.18 LJ
Public Meeting on Housing 27 June – notes from yellow sheets
And here are some broad “take-away” conclusions:
- Yes, recognize reality that town will grow over next 2 decades – we should look at ranges of numbers of new dwellings
- No to the “Greater Sax” option ( which imagined over 1000 new homes]
- Possibly yes, for the range 500 / 600 to 800 new dwellings by 20-36,
- But all depends on decent infrastructure, notably road connections, plus medical, education facilities
- People want guarantees on infrastructure as many are extremely mistrustful
- New development needs to benefit town centre
- Town centre / High Street urgently needs regeneration
- Need for more information on demographics, CIL
- Need for advice on water, sewage, utilities re possible new development sites
- Need to hear more young people’s voices
The Steering Group is due to meet on 23rd July to discuss all these points, including a response to the District Council at this stage. For our part, while the Steering Group (SG) is not yet in a position to put forward near-final proposals for the scale and main locations of future housing development, as chair and vice-chairs of the SG, we have serious concern that the present text focuses on a single proposal, which appears to remove any real local choice in relation to location.