Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan
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Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 environment-energy history-heritage housing leisure-recreation-culture local-economy-employment public-and-community-services town-centre transport-mobility-access
At last – Neighbourhood Plan submitted – our final version after consultation
Saxmundham's Neighbourhood Plan has - finally! - been submitted to East Suffolk Council in late May. It is attached here - REDUCED SIZE Saxmundham NP Submission v9 (2)The Plan covers...
Friday, March 11th, 2022 draft-local-plan housing leisure-recreation-culture local-economy-employment public-and-community-services transport-mobility-access
Proposal to change Saxmundham-Benhall boundary to include new Garden Neighbouhood in Sax
At present, the South Saxmundham Garden Neighbourhood - a new 800 dwelling development approved in East Suffolk Council's Local Plan - straddles the Saxmundham / Benhall parish boundary. This arguably...
Sunday, October 31st, 2021 draft-local-plan environment-energy events history-heritage housing leisure-recreation-culture local-economy-employment public-and-community-services town-centre transport-mobility-access young-people
We’re seeking your views on the draft Neighbourhood Plan
The Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led document for guiding the future development of the parish. It is the first of its kind for Saxmundham. The Steering Group want to...
Monday, February 22nd, 2021 housing leisure-recreation-culture local-economy-employment public-and-community-services town-centre transport-mobility-access uncategorised young-people
Neighbourhood Plan – are there major issues for your area that you want us to include?
The Steering Group have reached an important stage in drafting the Saxmundham Neighbourhood Plan (NP). But before going much further with it, we need your help to check whether we...